Here are some fun and lighthearted facts about the Statue of Liberty

The crown of the Statue of Liberty has seven rays, and you might not notice it at first glance, but each of these rays represents a spike. However, the spikes are not just decoration—they were added to function as giant lightning rods!

Sneaky Spikes

Pet Parrot

The French engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, who designed the statue's internal structure, had a pet parrot. Legend has it that he would bring the parrot to work with him and allow it to perch on his shoulder while overseeing the construction of the statue.

Statue Selfies

While taking selfies is a modern trend, visitors to the Statue of Liberty were essentially taking "statue selfies" long before smartphones. In the 19th century, people used to pose for photographs pretending to hold the torch or crown.

New Yorkers' Nicknames

The Statue of Liberty is affectionately called "Lady Liberty" by many, but among New Yorkers, it also goes by the nickname "The Lady" or simply "The Statue."

Copper Skirt

The Statue of Liberty wears a unique "copper skirt"! The folds of the statue's robe form a natural skirt-like appearance, giving Lady Liberty a fashionable touch.

Pop Culture Appearances

The Statue of Liberty has made numerous appearances in popular culture, from being featured in movies like "Planet of the Apes" to being depicted in various comic books and TV shows. It's a symbol that resonates globally.

Peanut Butter Pedestal

During a publicity stunt in 1936, a false rumor was spread that the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty was going to be turned into a giant peanut butter jar. This creative and humorous story was designed to generate donations for the statue's restoration.

Statue in Pieces

The Statue of Liberty has been featured in many pieces of art, and sometimes quite literally. In 1983, French artist Jean-Michel Folon created an artwork titled "The Statue of Liberty in Pieces," which depicts the statue in various broken fragments.

Statue as a Beacon

The torch of the Statue of Liberty symbolizes enlightenment, and during World War II, it served as a navigation beacon for pilots. Its powerful light could be seen from a distance, guiding aircraft safely.

French-American Birthday Bash

The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. To celebrate its centennial in 1986, both the United States and France organized a massive celebration that included concerts, parades, and a "liberty run" where participants ran the circumference of the statue.